25.4.2016 7:00
We CAN for Africa
Collection of bottles and cans to support humanitarian actions in Uganda 25-29 April 2016 in Rovaniemi
With the kind contribution of University of Lapland and Lapland University of Applied Sciences – Lapin AMK, a charity event “WeCANforAfrica” is organized to support humanitarian actions carried out by Health Initiatives Association.
Health Initiatives Association is a local NGO operating in Uganda (Buikwe District, Kibuku District, Luuka District and Ngora District). Its main mission is to provide health care services and all other related services to children suffering from HIV. This NGO, created in 2008, is currently leading many projects, among which the construction of a new clinic and the setting up of a poultry appear as a priority.
In order to help them achieving those projects, a collection of cans and bottles is organized from 25 to 29 April 2016 in Rovaniemi. The objective of this collection is to raise funding by encouraging inhabitants to leave their deposited cans and bottles. The money then gathered will be entirely donated to support Health Initiatives Association.
All students are thus invited to drop their “donations” in the dedicated collecting bin set up in the main lobby of the University. They can also show their support by posting pictures of their charitable action under the hashtag #WeCANforAfrica on the Facebook page and on other social networks.
In addition, during all this week, members and organizers of WeCANforAfrica will go door to door to promote their actions to Rovaniemi inhabitants and try to collect as many cans and bottles as possible.
Dropping a bottle remains a simple gest but it may help saving lives. It is also a good way to remind that, here in Finland, we are all very lucky to have drinkable water and fresh beverages within easy reach.
Because small things CAN make big changes…
For more information about the event: https://www.facebook.com/WeCANForAfrica/
For more information about the activities of Health Initiatives Association: http://www.hiainternationals.com
Text by: Christophe Dernoncourt and Terézia Mináriková
Photos by: Tomáš Horváth