29.1.2024 10:00
Smart solutions take Lapland towards sustainable industry and agriculture
KÄLY (Sustainable Smart Solutions) is a project managed by Lapland University of Applied Sciences that combines sustainability, circular economy, and responsibility with digitalization and smart solutions.
Sustainable smart solutions combine electronics, programming, and material technology. Artificial intelligence, robotics, and mechanics are also essential components of smart solutions. The focus is on promoting sustainability, with particular attention to recyclable materials, biomaterials, and battery-free utilization.
The main objective of the KÄLY project is to explore the possibilities of sustainable smart solutions in the Arctic regions. The application possibilities of smart solutions are extensively studied in agriculture and industry. The project tests and investigates, among other things, the Long Range (LoRa) network, which utilizes long-range and low-transmission-energy sensors.
- This IoT network covers a large part of Lapland and enables location tracking and data transfer in areas where traditional wireless technologies do not work, as explained by specialist Jani Sipola from Lapland University of Applied Sciences.
The LoRa network can be used to implement low-energy and battery-free wireless devices, especially for the needs of agriculture and industry. The project also focuses on technologies such as robotics, drones, and 3D printing, seeking new innovations in their use. The functionality of the technologies is tested with various smart solution demonstrations.
The project also promotes the development of expertise and education in the region, thereby contributing to the realization of the goals of the Lapland agreement and Lapland’s intelligent specialization. The smart solution project will create a comprehensive report on the need for smart solutions and their implementers in the Lapland region, strengthening the region’s position as a pioneer in intelligent technology now and in the future.
- Companies can develop new innovations based on the information obtained from the results of the project, reminds Jani Sipola.
The project is implemented by Lapland University of Applied Sciences and funded by Lapland Regional Council. The project started on June 1, 2023, and will continue until May 31, 2026. The total budget is €449,825, of which €359,859 is funded by the EU.
For more information:
Specialist Jani Sipola
p. +358 50 316 7677
Lapland UAS
Tietokatu 1, Kemi
Project web pages: https://kaly8.webnode.fi/