6.7.2015 8:00
School cooperation
Mr. Chen Peng, representative of Nanchang University of Technology visited the School of Business and Culture.
Mr. Chen Peng, representative of Nanchang University of Technology visited the School of Business and Culture to meet and discuss possible collaboration between the two organizations.
Meeting and discussions were held on Tuesday 2.6.2015 between Mr. Chen and Ms. Leena Alalääkkölä, director of School of Business and Culture. The issues discussed were:
- possibilities to find out interests in cooperation and collaboration between regions, companies and universities in Jiangxi, China and Lapland, Finland
- the procedure in creating partnership between Chinese Universities and Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences
- possibilities to increase international educational cooperation and create opportunities for students to study abroad
- the need to research upon interests of Chinese university students to purchase separate study courses up to 60 ECTS offered by Lapland UAS
A concluding meeting was held on Friday 5.6.2015 where Ms. Alalääkkölä requested for direct conversation with either the director or person(s) in charge of education from Nanchang University of Technology in order to clarify in which program(s) collaboration is possible. Ms. Alalääkkölä will draft a proposal for 60ECTS education program after consultation within the faculty.
Ms. Leena Alalääkkölä, director of School of Business and Culture and Mr. Chen