26.11.2021 7:00
Engineering studies opens up several opportunities for working life
The new international English-language engineering education, Machine Learning and Data Engineering, started in September.
One of the students in the new engineering group is Vincenzina Soós from Hungary. As Vincenzina is also one of the Lapland UAS’ Student Social Media Ambassadors, she will be present in Lapland UAS’ social media channels during this semester. We decided to interview her about the studies and life in Lapland.
What made you choose the new engineering programme?
- I actually was first considering the business studies but then I concluded that engineering has a lot of potential and possible places where to work after graduation. The variety of possibilities after graduation was important for me. My boyfriend wanted to move to Finland so it was obvious that I come to Lapland to study. In Hungary our high school studies include lot of science studies so it was easy to continue from there.
How the semester has started in a new country?
- Well actually I don’t like the online studies so much and this semester started with online studies due to the Covid-19 situation, so it was a bit rough start for me. I prefer to be on campus and see other students. At home the studying is a bit boring. All the administrative issues concerning entering Finland was really challenging and acquired a lot of paperwork and studying. It was quite hard. But now we are at campus and it is getting better.
What has been most fun in studies?
- Most fun of course have been the student meetings, where we all have been together. We have played games on our free time and we have had some student events that the student union has arranged. Also, the most fun in studies have been the practical side of things: learning programming etc. I am interested also in robotics. Learning Finnish language is quite challenging, but I want to learn more.
What are your future plans after graduation?
- Well, I definitely want to stay in Finland and perhaps study some more. Maybe I continue to university.
What would you say to others that consider coming to Lapland to study?
- Come to Lapland, it may be hard in the beginning but it is totally worth it! it is so beautiful in the city now when there are lot of lights all over. This is very unordinary place and very special place too.
The scope of the Bachelor of Engineering is 240 credits, of which the internship accounts for 50 credits divided into different academic years. It takes approximately 4 years to complete the studies.
The purpose of the engineering programme is to share new skills in machine learning and data processing directly with companies in the area, utilizing students' internships. Work-based internships are planned in co-operation with companies so that students are given personal competence objectives related to the company's operations.
The objectives support the student's learning and give the student and the company the opportunity to deepen cooperation also with regard to the topics of the future thesis and employment. Representatives of Lapland companies have been involved in the planning of the training in various fields.
Picture: Vincenzina Soós