Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot

Project results

The project's result are based on seven work packages (WP's) of the project:

WP 1: Creating the methodology and pedagogy of study model of athletes (leader: Finland, Rovaniemi)

WP 2: Creating enrolment practices of "dual career" students (leader: Slovenia, Maribor)

WP 3: Adjusting the existing curricula based on commonly developed study model for athletes (leader: Estonia, Tartu)

WP4: Project management (leader: Finland, Rovaniemi)

WP5: Assuring the quality of the implementation of the project and evaluating of the project (leader: Austria, Salzburg)

WP6: Disseminating the information on the results of the project and promoting the project activities (leader: Slovenia, Maribor)

WP7: Exploiting the results of the project (leader: Estonia, Tartu)