Home / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot / Arctic RoboWelfare / in English

Arctic RoboWelfare – in english

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The project promotes the awareness and implementation of robotics in the welfare sector in Lapland through networks, joint development, research and experiments (1.9.2023-31.5.2026).


Challenges related to robotics and what kind of new information can be obtained from the project? 

  • Utilization of robotics in the welfare sector is still low and there is a lack of support for implementation. 
  • The industry needs new types of technology solutions - by increasing robotics, work time is freed up from routine to demanding tasks. 
  • The implementation of robotics is not problem-free - it requires new types of digital skills from citizens/customers and professionals. 
  • Communicate and working with robots, understanding and evaluating the information they convey and understanding their functionalities. 

Target groups of the project 

  • Organisations and actors, companies, social and health care staff, welfare robotics RDI operators that produce services that promote the well-being and health of the province of Lapland. 
  • Organisations and actors that produce well-being services are seen in a broad scope, including also actors in the fields of sports, culture and education.

Activities of the work packages 

  • In the first work package, the current status and descriptions of robotics in the welfare robotics development environments (UAS) are determined. 
  • In the second work package, expert networks are identified and operating models operating in development environments are formed (LUC). 
  • in the third, actors in the Lapland area are activated and needs are mapped, and piloting targets are selected to be implemented in development environments.
  • In the fourth work package, the results of the previous three work packages will be implemented as experiments of services and implementation processes that utilize robotics based on the needs of the welfare sector.

Follow our journey in the world of robotics and if you're interested in any sort of collaboration, please don't hesitate to get in touch! 

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  • Duration of the project 1.9.2023 – 31.5.2026 

    Regional Council of Lapland, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF),

    Innovative Finland 2021-2027


    Total cost 762 702 €

    EU funding 610 161 €


    Implementation organizations:

    Lapland University of Applied Sciences

    University of Lapland


    Get in touch:

    Elina Kerätär

    Project manager (Lapland University of Applied Sciences)

