Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot / Hankkeet Rovaniemi
 Hankkeen tiedot: 

Safely in Russia-security management and its development in the companies in the Barents region

 Kuvaus: The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the creation of a secure business environment in Lapland, Murmansk, Arkhanglesk and Norbotten economy. The Specific Objective of the project is to create a support system through standardisation and consultation for secure business development in CBC. The results of the projects are the expansion and development of safety management organisations within a close cooperation network. Also the investigation of the market demand for service providers regarding safety management through consultation as well as a Safety and security management. Training and information component are results of the project.
 Aikataulu: 1.3.2006 - 30.4.2008
 Projektin tila: 4 Päättynyt
 Hallintokunta: Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulu
 Projektipäällikkö: Pekka Iivari
 Rahoitus: EAKR