Kuvaus: |
The project Profitable Trade 2 is aimed to be a tool for Russian and Finnish business actors to start and keep good cross border business development between the Northern Finland and Murmansk Region. This project will connect the companies, training providers and business stakeholders together and provide the implementing levels with needed know-how and support to exploit the existing and coming business opportunities across the borders. This project is also a result of long development work that different actors have done during the previous years to build contacts and to study the situations in both target regions. Many initiatives from numerous organisations and persons have helped to form the structure that enables the business actors to develop their know-how to make business and capability to commit common development objectives in sustain-able and efficient way. The project will be implemented as Neighbourhood programme consisting of Interreg and Tacis parts. The Interreg resources will be used to benefit the Finnish target groups and Tacis is aimed to development activities in Russian side. The objectives and activities are nearly same despite some parts of the programme that have al-ready been implemented in Finland during the project phase 1. The project objectives are: Overall objective of the project: To contribute to enhancement of economical growth and development in Barents Region. The project purpose: To promote the cross-border business partnership development by creating know-how and fostering operation of supporting structures in Northern Finland and Murmansk Region. The project objectives will be achieved by reaching the following results: Result 1: Profitable Trade training programme Result 2: Profitable Trade business piloting programme Result 3: Best Practises for fostering CBC between the SME’s and supporting organisations Result 4: Model for project results dissemination |