Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot / Hankkeet Rovaniemi
 Hankkeen tiedot: 

Northern Creative Youth

 Kuvaus: The NoCry project will develop a Virtual Business Incubator service for the creative sector to spread knowledge, enhance networking and support business development among young creative people in the NP. It aims to increase economic growth by supporting the development of knowledge and an entrepreneurial culture by enhancing networking across borders in the creative sector. NoCry will also spread knowledge on creative entrepreneurship, train, and develop new ICT based tools for co-productions over distances and the distribution of creative productions. All work will be linked through joint development and exchange of knowledge for real transnationality and interaction between innovation and its application. The idea of NoCry is to provide an online service for business incubators and creative people to support business development. The NoCry Virtual Incubator Service will contain information, knowledge, models and best practices on how to develop incubator services for creative industries. NoCry will not be a mere virtual databank; it will also act as a platform for interaction between people and organisations in the NP area. The Service will also support young creative people interested in becoming entrepreneurs. In addition to spreading knowledge and educating entrepreneurship skills, NoCry will be creating contacts and fostering networking, developing new ICT based tools for co-productions over distances and distributing productions. Lead Partner of project is Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences.
 Aikataulu: 1.1.2008 - 30.9.2010
 Projektin tila: 4 Päättynyt
 Hallintokunta: Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulu
 Projektipäällikkö: Pertti Rauhala
 Kokonaiskustannukset: 170219,98