Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot / Hankkeet Rovaniemi
 Hankkeen tiedot: 

Meet, Play and Learn 2 - social gamebased learning tool for children with diabetes type 1

 Kuvaus: The main objective of this project is to prepare for commercialisation of games and related services for children with chronic diseases. Concrete we will make a framework available for companies, consisting of guidelines and theory, a game infrastructure and an example minigame. Another objective is to strengthen the research cooperation in the region, in this area. The project will be a co-operation between research organisations and game companies in three countries. Diabetes type 1 is selected as a case because the team behind this proposal just finished a pre-project funded by InterReg IV A North, and the results confirm the needs for a social and educational tool. No multiplayer game for this purpose has been found, and most health related games are single player, making the project innovative. Increasingly more children are diagnosed with Diabetes in the Nordic countries. Treatment is based on insulin as well as nutrition and exercise. Only a minority of diabetics have good glycemic control, but the patients play a key role in successful treatment. Information material for children is mainly brochures, board games and textbooks with little attention to hands-on experience and social interaction. The need for information is huge, and many children have little contact with other diabetic children their age. There is a need both to socialise with others and to learn. To help the new and vulnerable game related industry to grow stronger we will make a meeting arena and transfer the latest research results that will assist cooperation. The project will give an opportunity for game related companies and also benefit health care institutions and diabetes associations. Meeting arenas are created by a social webpage and mini-seminars held in Oulu, Skellefteå and Tromsø connected by videoconference. Our focus is on social multi-player serious learning games for children with chronic diseases played on the Internet or smart phones in relation to research and business.
 Aikataulu: 1.1.2012 - 1.2.2013
 Projektin tila: 4 Päättynyt
 Päätösnumero: 304-1332-11
 Hallintokunta: Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulu
Ounasvaaran kampus
 Projektipäällikkö: Pia Yliräisänen-Seppänen
 Kokonaiskustannukset: 36015
 Rahoitus: Interreg IV A Pohjoinen 2007-2013