Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot / Hankkeet Rovaniemi
 Hankkeen tiedot: 

Meet, Play and Learn - social gamebased learning tool for children with diabetes - phase 1

 Kuvaus: Reseach and educational institutions in the north (Finland, Sweden and Norway)want to co-operate to develop a social gamebased learning tool for children with diabetes both to find a social environment and to learn about the ailment in a fun and entertaining way. The nursing educations in the region will offer their knowledge when planning the tool and also co-operate in planning of their education. The tool shall be easy to adjust to other chronic diseases as well. The sufferers would benefit from a social tool where they can meet others with the same diagnoses as well as friends without the disease to both play and learn. Young people spend a lot of time both playing computer games and chatting in digital environments and networks. One can find health related groups and discussion forums in several social network sites. One important drawback with these environments is that the contents are owned by the application owners, and it is difficult to make sure that the Norwegian/European strict privacy rules are followed. Another drawback is that one is restricted by the formats of the sites, and several are made for adults. Also you are not sure that those you meet really are there for the reason they state. We would like a diabetes social tool that is for children with diabetes and those who they invite exclusively. co-operation as an opportunity for future EU project participation.
 Aikataulu: 26.10.2009 - 31.12.2010
 Projektin tila: 4 Päättynyt
 Hallintokunta: Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulu
 Projektipäällikkö: Pia Yliräisänen-Seppänen
 Kokonaiskustannukset: 60751
 Rahoitus: Interreg IV A Pohjoinen 2007-2013