Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Tutkimus, kehitys ja innovaatiot / Hankkeet Rovaniemi
 Hankkeen tiedot: 

LapKola2 Development of Cross Border Tourism Business in Lapland and Southern Kola Region

 Kuvaus: The aim of the project is to maintain and promote cross-border cooperation and networking in tourism business between Finnish Lapland and South Kola region. The results will be achieved by - promoting positive attitude towards tourism in the target areas - developing quantity and quality of cross-border tourism products/services - finding common marketing and sales channels - strenghtening the knowledge of cross-border tourism in targets areas among entrepreneurs and authorities The overall objective is to develop tourism business in target areas by exploiting the existing possibilities and improving know-how of the key actors in the sector. The activities of the project are 1. Creating common development strategy for cross-border tourism in target areas 2. Improving physical tourism structures in South Kola region (create tourism information network) 3. Planning and implementing training for 4 target groups: entrepreneurs, tourism network personnel, authorities, trainers 4. Creating, piloting and evaluating mutual cross-border tourism products and service chains 5. Creating marketing strategy for cross-border products and implementing it 6. Disseminating and evaluating project results
 Aikataulu: 1.3.2006 - 30.4.2008
 Projektin tila: 4 Päättynyt
 Hallintokunta: Rovaniemen ammattikorkeakoulu
 Projektipäällikkö: Eija Raasakka
 Rahoitus: EAKR