Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Julkaisut / Liiketoiminta ja yrittäjyys


EU Project Planning and Management Handbook – Based on Project Cycle Management (PCM)

  Eeva Helameri, Anzelika Krastina & Eija Raasakka
  Liiketoiminta ja yrittäjyys 13/2022 • 47 s. • Nidottu, Sähköinen 
  ISBN 978-952-316-453-6 (pdf) • 978-952-316-452-9 (Stitched)
  Hinta: Free of charge
  Publications pdf-file
  Handbook will be published 17th November 2022.

The purpose of this handbook is to help you apply for and manage EU projects. Our handbook offers a step-by-step approach to the entire project cycle. It starts with project idea development, goes on to the writing of the project plan and application, the steps to be taken to implement the project, and finishes with evaluation.

This handbook has been produced as a part of the KATOS project, ’Vitality for Lapland by International RDI Competence’. The project included an international project management pilot training program, whose students contributed to the development of this publication. The pilot group’s ideas, needs and feedback have been invaluable in designing this handbook.

KATOS is a three-year (2020-2022) project implemented by the Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lapland. It is funded by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment with the European Social Fund.

Learn more about KATOS: www.kv-projektiosaaminen.fi