Etusivu / Lapin ammattikorkeakoulu - Lapin AMK / Yrityksille ja yhteisöille / Julkaisut / Liiketoiminta ja yrittäjyys
Cover image of publication Young Innovative Entrepreneurs project study

Support – A Vital Tool for Young Innovative Entrepreneurs in the Barents Region – ENPI Kolarctic “Young Innovative Entrepreneurs” project study

  Anzelika Krastina
  Liiketoiminta ja yrittäjyys 15/2014 • 38 s. • Sähköinen 
  ISBN 978-952-316-036-1 (pdf)
  Hinta: Free of charge
  Publications pdf-file
  Young people of the Barents Region should be considered as a golden reserve of human capital of the northern area. They will shape the future of the region. Supporting youth entrepreneurship should become a priority in regional development.

This study was carried out within the ENPI Kolarctic-funded project Young Innovative Entrepreneurs (YIE). The YIE project intends to give an impulse to the promotion of youth entrepreneurship in the Barents Region. The programme is run by partners from the Northern parts of the four participating countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia.

This study seeks to identify and describe various practices and initiatives of entrepreneurship promotion and support. Special attention is paid to the promotion of youth entrepreneurship, the use of practices and existing structures of support in the development of youth entrepreneurship in the Barents Region.