Identification and recognition of acquired Competence (RPL)
How can previously acquired competence be incorporated into studies?
The identification of competence means that you seek to understand
the competence you have acquired in various ways and analyse it in
relation to the learning objectives of courses. You can describe and
demonstrate your competence so that it can be accredited as part of your
The recognition of competence refers to the higher education
institution’s measures and practices by which the competence you have
identified and presented is made visible, documented and assessed. The
higher education institution confirms your competence, and it is made
part of your studies.
The identification and recognition of acquired competence means that
competence gained through different types of learning is taken into
- Formal learning refers to studies completed at a higher
education institution for which students receive a reliable document, a
- Non-formal learning refers to systematic, intentional and
goal-oriented learning that takes place in training organised by
employers or organisations for liberal adult education, for example.
This type of training is not part of the formal education system.
- Informal learning takes place in daily activities related to
work, family and leisure. It is not systematic in terms of learning
objectives, study time or learning support, and usually no certificate
is awarded.
The demonstration of competence means that you verify and make
visible the competence you have acquired in various ways. The ways of
verifying competence and making it visible may include competence
portfolios, work certificates that identify competences, work samples,
competence diaries, interviews or written outputs.
Procedures for the identification and recognition of competence
Accreditation refers to the process of competence recognition in place at the higher education institution.
- Substitution means the substitution of studies included in the
curriculum with similar higher education level studies completed
- Inclusion refers to the inclusion of studies completed elsewhere or competence acquired in another way as part of studies.
The first phase of the accreditation procedure aims to identify the
competence you have acquired and assess how it matches the course’s
learning objectives. If the learning objectives and your previously
acquired competence match, your competence can be recognised and
accredited in full or as part of the course.
Step 1
Study your degree programme curriculum and the learning objectives of the courses.
- Compare your competence with the learning objectives of a chosen course in your curriculum.
- Identify your existing competence.
Analyse your competence in relation to the learning objectives of the course (e.g. by mind mapping)
Our curricula: Study Guide, Lapin AMK (
- Consider the level of your competence compared to the course’s assessment criteria.
- Consider how you can tangibly demonstrate your competence.
Step 2
Contact your study counsellor if you wish to discuss accreditation.
Contact the student affairs coordinator of your degree programme if you need guidance on how to prepare an accreditation application in Peppi.
Step 3
Complete a RPL application for substitution or inclusion in eRPL in
Peppi. Send it to your degree programme’s student affairs coordinator
for processing.
Your degree programme’s student affairs coordinator will check the
application information. The student affairs coordinator will contact
you if the application needs to be revised or complemented. Make the
requested revisions or additions and return the application to the
student affairs coordinator. The coordinator will then send the
application to the study counsellor for processing.
You will find instructions for completing the RPL application here.
Step 4
The study counsellor will process the application and make a positive
or negative decision on the recognition of your competence (inclusion
or substitution).
If the accreditation is partial, the study counsellor will instruct
you to contact the teacher of the course. You must agree with the
teacher on how you can demonstrate your competence (demonstration of
competence). The teacher will assess your competence and record the
assessment for the course.
You can view the accreditation decision in eRPL. If you are
dissatisfied with the decision, you can file an appeal within 14 days of
receiving the decision.