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Study guide

From this study guide you can find information and support for your studies.

Assessment of competence

Assessment of competence is based on learning objectives defined in the curriculum. Learning objectives depict what type of competence is required from a student to receive a degree. The assessment is considered in three points of view: student, working life representative/supervisor and teacher.

The assessment criteria derived from the learning objectives are used to identify learning outcome. Assessment of competence depicts how well set learning objectives have been achieved.

Developing the students study process takes into account the learning and the knowledge gained through academical perspective. The key factors in study process are self-evaluation and feedback received from teacher or supervisor as well sometimes from fellow students.

Competence is assessed from many perspectives by examining development in practical, academic, social and evaluative competence.

  • Practical competence is manifested as a systematic, smooth command of tasks.
  • Academic competence indicates a command of theoretical knowledge, an understanding of the connections between facts and processes and the ability to grasp entities.
  • Social competence is related to interactive competence; the ability to work as a member and a leader of a group.
  • Evaluative competence describes learning, evaluation and development skills related to one’s own work and the ability to develop and influence joint activity and activity that takes place in the surroundings.

Assessment methods are selected so that they truly measure achievement and the level of competence.

Assessment of competence and rectification of assessment comply with Lapland University of Applied Sciences’ degree regulations. Assessment is on a scale of 0–5 or pass/fail. Assessment criteria are defined for each study unit. A detailed assessment plan for each study unit is presented in the study unit’s implementation plan.

The feedback collected from the students will develop the quality of the degree programme. You have a change to give feedback about the implementation of the study units as well as overall yearly feedback.

Learning environments

Learning also takes place in diverse, changing environments consisting of laboratories, virtual surroundings, environments offered by international partners, working life and research, development and innovation projects
Identification and recognition of acquired Competence (RPL)

How can previously acquired competence be incorporated into studies?

The identification of competence means that you seek to understand the competence you have acquired in various ways and analyse it in relation to the learning objectives of courses. You can describe and demonstrate your competence so that it can be accredited as part of your studies.

The recognition of competence refers to the higher education institution’s measures and practices by which the competence you have identified and presented is made visible, documented and assessed. The higher education institution confirms your competence, and it is made part of your studies.

The identification and recognition of acquired competence means that competence gained through different types of learning is taken into account:

  • Formal learning refers to studies completed at a higher education institution for which students receive a reliable document, a certificate.
  • Non-formal learning refers to systematic, intentional and goal-oriented learning that takes place in training organised by employers or organisations for liberal adult education, for example. This type of training is not part of the formal education system.
  • Informal learning takes place in daily activities related to work, family and leisure. It is not systematic in terms of learning objectives, study time or learning support, and usually no certificate is awarded.

The demonstration of competence means that you verify and make visible the competence you have acquired in various ways. The ways of verifying competence and making it visible may include competence portfolios, work certificates that identify competences, work samples, competence diaries, interviews or written outputs.

Procedures for the identification and recognition of competence


Accreditation refers to the process of competence recognition in place at the higher education institution.

  • Substitution means the substitution of studies included in the curriculum with similar higher education level studies completed elsewhere.
  • Inclusion refers to the inclusion of studies completed elsewhere or competence acquired in another way as part of studies.

The first phase of the accreditation procedure aims to identify the competence you have acquired and assess how it matches the course’s learning objectives. If the learning objectives and your previously acquired competence match, your competence can be recognised and accredited in full or as part of the course.

Step 1

Study your degree programme curriculum and the learning objectives of the courses.

  1. Compare your competence with the learning objectives of a chosen course in your curriculum.
  2. Identify your existing competence.

    Analyse your competence in relation to the learning objectives of the course (e.g. by mind mapping)
    Our curricula: Home | Study Guide, Lapin AMK (csc.fi)

  3. Consider the level of your competence compared to the course’s assessment criteria.
  4. Consider how you can tangibly demonstrate your competence.

Step 2

Contact your study counsellor if you wish to discuss accreditation.

Contact the student affairs coordinator of your degree programme if you need guidance on how to prepare an accreditation application in Peppi.

Step 3

Complete a RPL application for substitution or inclusion in eRPL in Peppi. Send it to your degree programme’s student affairs coordinator for processing.

Your degree programme’s student affairs coordinator will check the application information. The student affairs coordinator will contact you if the application needs to be revised or complemented. Make the requested revisions or additions and return the application to the student affairs coordinator. The coordinator will then send the application to the study counsellor for processing.

You will find instructions for completing the RPL application here.

Step 4

The study counsellor will process the application and make a positive or negative decision on the recognition of your competence (inclusion or substitution).

If the accreditation is partial, the study counsellor will instruct you to contact the teacher of the course. You must agree with the teacher on how you can demonstrate your competence (demonstration of competence). The teacher will assess your competence and record the assessment for the course.

You can view the accreditation decision in eRPL. If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can file an appeal within 14 days of receiving the decision.

e-Learning at Lapland UAS
Lapland UAS is a pioneer in on-line education. eLearning is conducted via a variety of Internet environments. You can choose your place of study yourself as long as the computer and network connections are good. In essence, e-learning has the same elements as traditional education forms, as online courses too comprise reading, writing, listening and speaking. Likewise, online studies usually feature scheduled classes and tasks, only the learning environment is virtual. Like other types of learning, eLearning requires initiative and self-discipline, as well as time management and information retrieval skills. The amount of eLearning varies per degree programme, from complete online degrees (eDegree) to incidental online tasks in otherwise traditional studies. In adult education, eLearning plays a key role, as it allows students to combine study and work regardless of where they are located or how they are occupied. However, even regular daytime education can benefit from the opportunities offered by eLearning approaches.

At Lapland UAS eLearning is conducted mainly via a virtual learning platform (Moodle) and via a virtual classroom (Adobe Connect). The Moodle learning environment offers a wide variety of tools for displaying electronic learning materials, conducting text-based online discussions, as well as working on quizzes and assignments individually, or in small groups. Moodle also provides access to the e-portfolio environment Mahara. In the iLinc virtual classroom teachers and students communicate and work together in real-time in front of their computers using a headset with microphone. The virtual classroom can display computer applications and files from the user's computers, allows text chat and team work in break out groups. In addition to these two online environments, at Lapland UAS, students can utilise a variety of social media applications, among others wikis and blogs.

When participating in eLearning, the users are themselves responsible for the working order of their computer and internet connection. Other than that on-line studies do not require special skills; basic computer and Internet skills are sufficient. At the beginning of their studies students are trained in the use of the online learning environments, as well as in basic information technology skills. Training and eLearning support are provided by the eLearning Services and are available Monday through Friday from 8-21 and on Saturday by appointment.

eLearning portal: www.oppimispalvelut.fi
Contact us by e-mail: eoppimispalvelutLapin AMK sähköposti harmaa

Student feedback

Students are expected to provide feedback during their studies, when graduating, and five years after graduation, by responding to surveys evaluating these different stages of studies and careers. Feedback is collected using electronic systems and all responses are completely anonymous. All feedback is utilized in developing our activities and the quality of our education. 

Study feedback 

During studies students can give continuous feedback as well as final feedback on study units via Peppi study data service. Those who give feedback have access to read a summary report and teacher’s feedback-on-feedback.

Graduand feedback

When graduating, students can give feedback on their whole degree by responding to national student feedback survey for graduating students. The survey results are available at the Vipunen portal.

Career monitoring survey

All graduates will be invited to respond to a national career monitoring survey five years after graduation. The survey examines the employment of university of applied sciences graduates and their satisfaction with the degree and career. The survey results are available at the Vipunen portal.