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Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence

Assistive artificial intelligence

Generative AIs help people produce text, images, art, program code, videos, and audio, among other things. Artificial intelligence applications have already developed to such a high level that it is difficult to distinguish the end results from human output. Employers are experimenting with and planning to utilise artificial intelligence in the future at the same time as educational institutions, which means practices have not yet been established. For this reason, these guidelines are indicative. In the future, more similar applications and models will emerge and their functionalities will continue to develop. However, we want to encourage our students and staff to take advantage of them. This is why it is important to take into account the existence of AI applications and models in teaching and research.

The existence of creative AI applications and large language models is a positive phenomenon. Lapland University of Applied Sciences encourages its entire community, students, teachers and staff, to utilise artificial intelligence in a diverse way. Using AI wisely will prepare you for current and future society and working life.


Wise use of artificial intelligence supports learning

Artificial intelligence provides new opportunities to produce content. The content produced with ar-tificial intelligence can serve as a good starting point, even though the origin and reliability of the information is unclear. Since the content provided by artificial intelligence is unfiltered, applications based on artificial intelligence must be used with care and common sense. When using AI, always be critical of the output it produces! Use artificial intelligence as an assistant for brainstorming, but let the end result reflect your own content design and skills. Edit the materials produced by artificial intelligence to realise your final vision, with an eye on source criticism and state that you have used artificial intelligence.

Responsible use of artificial intelligence in a nutshell

Generative AI applications and large language models can, as a rule, be used in your studies. More detailed usage of artificial intelligence and the limits thereof will be decided by the teacher responsible for the course. Please note that your teacher may also restrict the use of artificial intelligence in situations where its use would not benefit your learning or hinder the achievement of learning objectives. The teacher must give provide such a prohibition and its grounds in writing. For the sake of equality, teachers cannot require that you use a paid artificial intelligence model. If you are unsure of whether you can use artificial intelligence to support learning, it is good to check with the teacher in advance. If you use artificial intelligence, remember make a note of it in your final output.

If you use creative AI to assist in evaluated outputs, you must always indicate, in writing, which artificial intelligence you have used and in what ways. Artificial intelligence does not need to be included in the bibliography, instead it must be stated in the text body. This applies to all studies, including thesis work.

Artificial intelligence can only produce what it has been taught to produce. Outputs can be inaccurate and biased, depending on the material which it was taught on and the algorithms used by the service. Artificial intelligence is not an author of the text or other creative content – in practice, you are responsible for the content you produce. If the AI expresses sources in its output, remember to be immediately critical of those sources and verify the citations and correctness of the sources. Keep in mind your own responsibility for the learning outcomes. They must not cause any biases or distortion of information, for example to our partners and professional networks.

The use of generative AIs to produce a maturity sample is not allowed. If you use creative AI on a course or on a task where the use of artificial intelligence is prohibited beforehand, we will consider this cheating and treat it according to the same principles as other cases of cheating. The same applies to any situation in which you do not state the use of a language model of a creative AI application.

Do not provide personal data into an AI. Comply with the University of Applied Sciences' data protection and security practices.

Develop your skills

Digital competence is one of the most significant skills needs in working life that has been identified, as it is required in studies, work and the daily life of every citizen. The utilisation of artificial intelligence is increasingly part of digital competence.

An open and constructive critical attitude goes a long way with new things. Be curious, experiment in practice and take part in the discourse with your fellow students, teachers and business representatives. Also remember to provide feedback on the use of artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is an excellent learning tool. Your job is to use it as a tool and keep the reins on its responsible use!

What are these AI policies based on?

ARENE's recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence for universities of applied sciences
Lapland UAS Code of Conduct

In addition, the use of AI in teaching and learning is governed by ethical guidelines available on the European Commission's website.

The policies of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences on the use of artificial intelligence have been prepared in a multidisciplinary working group, taking into account the comments of the staff and the student union, and approved by the management group of the University of Applied Sciences on 15 June 2023. If necessary, these guidelines will be further specified in the light of regulatory and technological developments in the field of artificial intelligence