The goal of practical training is to introduce students, under guidance, to key practical work positions considering their studies and to the application of knowledge and skills in a real work environment.
During a training period, students will receive practical experience and improve their professional skills. Trainees may also bring new perspectives to companies and, therefore, also benefit the employer. Non-Finnish students studying in an international degree programme bring their home country’s working culture with them and also have a positive impact on businesses by improving the capabilities of Finnish employees to work in a multicultural workplace. For employers, traineeships provide an opportunity to recruit talented trainees in fixed-term employment relationships.
The duration of practical training and the training period vary. Often, training periods can be started flexibly, depending on the field of business. A training period usually takes from two and a half to five months in full-time traineeships or from 400 to 800 hours in part-time traineeships. In some practical training, students can carry out the training period during summer, with the trainee signing a fixed-term employment contract similarly to summer employees. Competence goals will be set for each training period, and each practical training will be defined in a written agreement between the university of applied sciences and the employer. If a trainee receives a salary during their practical training, the trainee will enter in an employment relationship, being within the scope of the employer’s statutory accident insurance. In unpaid practical training, trainees will be covered by the accident insurance policy of the university of applied sciences.
If you have any questions, turn to your training counsellor: