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Design a beanie for Lapland UAS!

In honor of its 10th anniversary fall, Lapland UAS organizes a beanie design competition. The competition is open to everyone.


New research sheds light on mitigating gender bias in AI

Researchers Eija Ahonen and Eeva Farén from the Master’s Degree Programme in Digital Business Management at Lapland University of Applied Sciences have published a master’s thesis exploring gender biases in AI systems and the effectiveness of mitigation strategies.


Quality Label for Excellence awarded to Lapland University of Applied Sciences

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) has awarded Lapland University of Applied Sciences the Quality Label for Excellence in recognition of their exceptional quality in the development of their activities. Lapland UAS demonstrated an innovative pioneering spirit, an approach that focuses on long-term enhancement, and a participatory operational culture.

Lapland UAS Blog
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1.8.2024 8:00

Developing a simulator platform to advance autonomous systems in forestry usage

Aleksi Narkilahti, BEng. Specialist in Digital Solutions Expertise Group, Lapland University of Applied Sciences

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6.2.2024 11:00

Green Transition and Sustainability: Implications for a Lapland-based Company

Authors: Anzelika Krastina, MEd., MBA, senior lecturer, Lapland UAS & Eeva Helameri, MA, specialist, Lapland UAS

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22.11.2023 9:00

Insights from a Short-Term Student Exchange: The European Association for Sport Management Summer School

Angeria Mari, Senior Lecturer & Kemi Jenni, Specialist, Responsibility in Business and Services Expertise Group in Lapland UAS

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9.11.2023 13:00

Educating sustainable change experts

Authors: Sanna Tyni, Ph.D., Principal lecturer, New Industry Expertise Group, Lapland University of Applied Sciences and Marika Tuomela-Pyykkönen, M.Sc., Head of Degree Programme in Managing Sustainability and Systems Change (MaSS), Masters’s School, Lapland University of Applied Sciences

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